The Back to School campaign does it again!

Back to schoolThe Back to School campaign has now ended, there are many individuals, groups and organisations who have generously participated, our thanks and appreciation to them all.

A large number of music recorders were provided by The musicians from Banda SFA Artistas de Minerva and Banda Filarmónica de São Bras under the directorship of José Branco and Albano Neto. Recorders are required by schools for children over 10 years. The wonderful recorder covers were created by Sonia Nascimento in Algoz.

Special thanks also go to Gary and Sylvia King of the Golf Shack in Porches for supplying good quality back packs and gym bags at a very low price, as well as acting as a drop off point for school items. Many thanks goes to all the other individuals and businesses who have offered to act as drop off points too and have also been collecting money to fund the remaining items needed.

Collection tins will remain at these venues for the time being, so it is not too late to donate to the campaign. If you wish to give money straight to the charity the account number is ACCA IBAN PT50 0079 0000 434264 1910 122 A special thanks goes to the individuals and families who have found and bought many items for the campaign, many of which can be seen on the Facebook page Back to School 2018 – help needed. School items are being collected in and the task of filling all the back packs will begin soon. Finally the back pack will be distributed to the charitable and other organisations involved with needy families for distribution and ACCA will be able to ensure that no child will be educationally disadvantaged because they lack the school equipment they need.

Thank you so much everybody who has helped and who are still helping to make this another very successful Back to School Campaign.

For more information, contact Su Davis on email

 The Back to School campaign does it again!