Goldra NOW - Oct 2018

Goldra NOW - October 2018Of course it was too good to last. The steady reduction in the number of residents at Goldra has been brought to a halt by an influx of animals dumped in various places. Fortunately, they are all youngsters at the moment, with a good chance of rapid re-homing, but the time and effort, not to mention expense involved in rearing and protecting them is again putting a strain on the resources of the sanctuary and its managers.

The fund-raising effort at the last lunch was once more hugely successful, which is obviously very helpful, but the need is never-ending, and the problems posed by the heartlessness of people and the indifference of the authorities show no sign of a change any time soon. All one can do, in the words of Alan Bennett, is to keep on keeping on. And to quote my Dad, who was fond of sayings, ´One day, when Right comes uppermost......´.

Thank you, all of you, for what you do to keep Goldra going.

November Lunch.
Out next lunch date is on the 17th November, at Restaurant Don Camillo. (the one with the bowling green). For those not familiar with this restaurant, coming from Almancil take the road before the central roundabout and turn left or right depending on which way you approach, and follow south for about 1.5k. The restaurant is on the right, opposite JardimVista.

Please contact for details and to book your place.

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