A Fabulous Night - Thank You To Our Streetlife Supporters

A Fabulous Night - Thank You To Our Streetlife Supportersafpop East Algarve organised a Wine Tasting & Dinner on the 15th November and raised €1300 for our local StreetLife Animal Sterilisation Programme.
Our thanks go to all of the afpop EA members who attended the event, Vila Monte for their excellent food & service and to SoGrape who very generously contributed the wines for the evening.

Streetlife Wine tasting Event71 guests attended the evening and a good time was had by one and all. Everyone went home feeling very buzzy… maybe the wine had something to do with it! 

afpop EA, Vila Monte and SoGrape all worked together to support our local community and StreetLife’s Animal Sterilisation Programme. They all helped to make a difference. A BIG thank you!

StreetLife is a fairly new initiative from a group of animal lovers, who want to reduce the number of stray and abandoned dogs in the East Algarve through a programme of sterilisations. StreetLife is a non-profit organisation set up to support local pet owners in the East Algarve with insufficient funds to sterilise their dogs.

W: www.streetlife.pt
Facebook: www.facebook.com/StreetLifeAnimalSterilisationProgramme

StreetLifes next Fund Raising Event

The next event is December 15th is our Annual Back to Basics supper… “Have a Barking Good Christmas QuizWhiz”…€11.00 at Restaurante Churrasqueira Marim, from 7.30pm onwards. This includes couvert, chicken, chips and salad, followed by dessert of the house (you choose on the night). Red & White wine with the meal. You buy your own coffee or anything else you want.

There will be a Christmas based Quiz for those who would like to participate. If you don’t want to be part of the Quiz just chat and have fun and listen to background Christmas Music… this is a nothing fancy, no frills evening out!

Contact quizwhiz@streetlife.pt to reserve your place, or see more details HERE.