€2000 Raised For Parkinsons & Alzheimers Association

Rotary Club

Recent events organised by members of Almancil International Rotary Club (AIRC) in support of Associação Humanitária dos Doentes de Parkinson e Alzheimer (AHDPA) raised 2,000 euros. The Association’s day care centre, based in Vila Sol, Quarteira provides day care facilities and companionship for sufferers of these two diseases together with psycho social support programmes, physiotherapy support to families of sufferers. The staff includes two psychologists but also relies on volunteers who provide invaluable additional support.

Leona, Daniella, Leeloo and Vanda painting a colourful mural On Saturday, three young volunteers from Arte & Cor Loulè, Leona Cosgrove, Daniella Teixeira and Leeloo Gilbert, together with Leona’s mother Vanda Valente gave up their free time to paint a colourful mural on the walls of the garden of the centre, under the watchful eye of local artist and Rotarian Uschi Kuhn.
When they had finished the centre was opened to the public who were treated to refreshments and a tour of the facilities.

The money raised by the Club was used to purchase three electrically operated armchairs (two in photo), a table top oven and a special chair which will enable the staff to bathe the people using the centre.
The equipment was presented to the association by AIRC President Brian Giles.

T: 289 039 775 or  931 673 217

L-R: Uschi Kuhn - Event Organiser, Dra Rute Rodrigues - Directora Tecnica AHDPA, Eng. Telmo Pinto -  Presidente da Junta de Freguesia Quarteira, Brian Giles - President AIRC, Dr José Araūjo - União Regional de Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade Social do Algarve, Dr Adelino Rocha - President AHDPA, Peter Hinze - Chair of Community Services AIRC