Rotary Club presents cheque to APCC

Rotary Club Present Cheque To APCCStaff from APPC Faro visited the Rotary Club of Estoi Palace International (RCEPI) to talk about the work their non profit-making Association does supporting children with cerebral palsy and related neurological diseases and their families.  Impressed by the work done on a limited budget the Club decided to raise funds for the purchase of a special posture wheelchair. This helps to maintain a child’s back in the correct position to help their posture. 

APPC was founded in November 1982 to help children with cerebral palsy.  From 1982 until 1998 it operated from temporary facilities provided by Faro Council.  In 1999 purpose-built headquarters were opened in Faro.   With this the ability to assist families was significantly increased and resources and programmes were developed to help health/rehabilitation, education, occupational support, training and employment, sport and recreation.

In 2013 APPC - Faro inaugurated a new facility, located in Montenegro, consisting of a Residential Home (composed of 8 double rooms and 4 single rooms), and an Autonomous Residence (with 2 bedrooms doubles and a single), equipped with features that allows a greater quality of life and independence for young people affected by this disease.

On 27th June APPC organised its annual fund raising Arraial (street party) to raise funds for the remodelling of the Sensory Room. This multisensory space is used by over 80 patients and promotes self-awareness and control through the discovery and exploration of the sensors.  Hundreds of people joined in the fun and festivities, enjoying a light meal, entertainment and dancing. 

RCEPI, had raised funds for APPC at its Romantic Dinner event in February and joining forces again with the Wolf Valley Charity, who donated 1000 euros, a cheque for 2800 euros was presented at the Arraial  to the Association to purchase a special posture wheelchair to help in the work they do  cerebral palsy children.

For further information on RC Estoi Palace International contact, and on APPC visit

L>R: RCEPI member Phil Wyndham, RCEPI Past President Manuela Robinson, APPC Director Graciete, RCEPI President Bruno Sousa Costa.