Algarve Senior Bikers 9th Anniversary Charity BBQ

David Shirley giving 1035 euros to Claudia It is now nine years since I had the idea of forming the Algarve Senior Bikers group. This year to celebrate the anniversary on June 10th I was able to organise a charity BBQ with the help of Claudia Loios, the Director of Gaivota home for teenagers in Albufeira.

David Shirley giving 1035 euros to Claudia The BBQ was held as at the Pirilampos children's home as the Gaivota home is undergoing long needed upgrading and building work. Several ASB members and friends went directly to Gaivota whilst some of the bikers joined a short ride planned and led by Miriam Post and myself. Riders passing through the hills around Messines and taking a coffee break in Alte before heading to Albufeira to join the others at the home. 

Claudia took us a tour of the Gaivota home and explained the ongoing improvements before we transferred to Pirilampos for a great BBQ with all the kids. At the end of the day I was very pleased to hand over 1035 euros to Claudia for the benefit of the kids, and reassure them of our continued support.

In return I was presented with a lovely thank you gift in the form of plaque depicting a motorcycle, specially made by the kids. This I was pleased to accept on behalf of all the ASB members who regularly help and support Gaivota.

I would like to thank all those ASB members who came along on the day and all those unable to attend who kindly sent donations. Special thanks must go to good friends Dean and Alex Guinane for their help manning the BBQ, and to my wife Dee who made the cakes for dessert, to go with all the all the lovely food prepared by the staff at Pirilampos.

A great day enjoyed by kids and adults alike. Hopefully we can do it all again next year!

David Shirley  - ASB Organiser.

Next event - June 25th -  Ride starting in Sao bras de Alportel.

 Our plaque depicting a motorcycle, specially made by the kids