Afpop EA support StreetLife… A NIGHT TO REMEMBER!

Afpop EA support StreetLife… A NIGHT TO REMEMBER!Wow, what a fabulous night. 138 guests attended our afpop EA Summer Ball / Party Night on Friday 26th July to raise funds for StreetLife. I can safely say a very good time was had by one and all.

Our brilliant entertainers who donated their time, Stuart McColl and Althea had everyone dancing almost from the beginning of the evening while guests were on their starters! By the end of the evening the dance area was full of happy dancing guests, nonstop until 11.30 when the evening had to come to an end.

Fiuza very generously donated the wines to go with the meal … and they were very well received!

The generosity of all of the guests was overwhelming.


Afpop EA support StreetLife… A NIGHT TO REMEMBER!Our thanks go to:

  • all of the guests who attended the event
  • the students of Faro Catering College for coming in during their Summer Break and looking after us – they were superb
  • Fiuza for donating all of the wonderful wines for the evening
  • our two entertainers, Althea and Stuart for making the evening go with a swing.
  • our fabulous photographers; afpop EA member Alan Smith and professional photographer Shannon Belletti
  • the local businesses who supported the event with donations for the raffle: Antonio's Restaurante, Vila Monte Farm House, Real Marina Hotel & Spa, Aquarelle Restaurant, Blevins Franks, Chillimint Group, Monterosa Olive Oil, Philippe Stabile Hair & Beauty Salon and Florentinta Fashion

StreetLife survives on donations and without a doubt all of the afpop EA guests were extremely generous and supportive.

ON BEHALF OF AFPOP EA & STREETLIFE I thank every single one of you with all my heart!! 

StreetLife is a local initiative from a group of animal lovers who want to reduce the number of stray and abandoned animals in the East Algarve through a programme of sterilisations.  StreetLife is a non-profit organisation set up to support local pet owners in the East Algarve with insufficient funds to sterilise their dogs. It was launched last September and has so far sterilised 280+ local East Algarve dogs.


Donations : IBAN = PT50004571004029169661460 or via PayPal at

 afpop EA supports StreetLife as part of it “working together to support the local community project”
