Artists paint mural for animal welfare

Artists paint mural for animal welfareArtists from the tattoo atelier ‘Estudio Onze’ donated their artistic skills towards animal welfare on August 10th.  Miguel Martins, Edgar, and Ana Goulão gifted the Association ‘Animal Rescue Algarve’ (ARA) with an animal welfare-themed mural.

The event marked ARA’s first official ‘open day’ to the general public counting with the presence of Paulo Batista, headliner for Faro’s charter of the PAN Party (People Animals and Nature) and Carlos de Deus Pereira from M.A.F. (Pro Animal Movement of Faro), as well as families and animal welfare enthusiasts.

ARA has over 100 dogs and 20 cats in its care, all of which have been abandoned or victimised. ARA’s purpose starts with rescuing and housing animals, with a strong focus on preparing dogs for adoption through a socialization programme, daily rehabilitation therapy for traumatised animals, and a complete accompaniment of the physical and mental health of each dog and cat.

ARA’s dogs are walked twice a day and enjoy daily activities which promote their socialisation skills by placing handpicked groups of animals into ARA’s parks.

To avoid the emergence of aggressive behaviours each kennel houses a maximum of three dogs. Moreover, in order to prevent any future health complications animals are fed a protein-rich diet. Additionally, all rescued animals are vaccinated, microchipped, dewormed and put through regular check-ups.

ARA’s work is only possible due to a team of experienced people within animal welfare, a veterinary health assistant, a trainer and, above all, a solid base of foreign and local volunteers contributing to the completion of daily tasks.

During its existence (little over a year), ARA has overseen more than 100 national and international adoptions.

ARA has no governmental assistance, relying exclusively on the support of private individuals.

The event was attended by representatives from PAN and MAF

To find out more, or to donate to ARA please visit:


The mural at ARA