Can you offer a home to Harvey?

Can you offer a home to Harvey?Time to pull at the heart strings a bit here! APAA were informed, about 6 weeks ago, of a cat that was living near the beach in Ferraguda, being fed by the Fishermen. He had such a bad skin condition that he had scratched huge holes in his face. A lady took him into the veterinary clinic in Ferraguda and Bruno the vet has made a fabulous job, with APAA´s financial help, of getting this cat - now called HARVEY - back to good health. And look at him now!

Can you offer a home to Harvey?He is friendly and just TOO nice a cat to put back on the street - is there someone out there that will adopt Harvey?

Here he is a before his treatment, so that you can see the amount of work that the wonderful vet Bruno put in on this cat, at a VERY discount price.

If you can help please contact us on, or via our Facebook page.