CDS Party: Animal Rescue Algarve is doing ‘excellent work’

MP João Rebelo (White polo) - Photo by ARALast week, on October 3rd, the CDS (Social Democratic Centre) Party visited the Animal Rescue Algarve’s (ARA) shelter at Cabanita, Loulè. Representing the party were MP and party headliner for the Algarve, João Rebelo, President of CDS’s Advisory to Loulé, Isilda Guerreiro, and Member of CDS’s Advisory to Loulé, Luís Afonso.
In a statement, CDS said that ARA was ‘an association totally unlike the kennels usually known by the party, where the dogs and cats sheltered have great standards of living’, highlighting the ‘designated recreational and housing areas, the daily walks with volunteers, the health treatments and training’. The party claimed that ARA was ‘an association totally unlike the kennels usually known.’

Isilda Guerreiro - Photo by ARA The Party also expressed a ‘great satisfaction at witnessing care and wellbeing towards animals who are often the victims of mistreatment and abandonment’. Concluding its statement by congratulating ARA on ‘the excellent work!’.

The visit marked the end of a set of pre-electoral visits to ARA, where various parties, candidates, and Members of Parliament alike expressed their admiration and support for the work carried out by the Association.

Of this concluding season, ARA’s Communications Manager, Viriato Villas-Boas, highlighted the importance of ‘having parties from all walks of government, from the Left Bloc to the CDS, and everyone in between like PSD and PAN, getting acquainted with our work. This is because we have been able to prove that we are serving society at large, beyond political ideologies or movements.’

ARA is a private organisation with no formal protocols with either local or central government, meaning that all of its work is supported by private individuals and volunteers.

To learn more about the work developed at ARA, either visit its webpage and social media accounts, or visit the shelter in person:
