Gentle Geriatric Jota is looking for a home

GENTLE GERIATRIC JOTA IS LOOKING FOR A HOMEHi there, my name's Jota. And before you say anything, I know I may look like a bruiser. But don't judge a book by its cover, OK?  Because although I'm no portrait, I'm the sweetest, gentlest cat you'll ever meet. I have never raised a paw in irritation!

GENTLE GERIATRIC JOTA IS LOOKING FOR A HOMEI'm always on the alert for a friendly lap, and if there's already another cat there, no matter, I'll just squeeze in. I'm sure the other cat won't mind...

Another thing: I'm not young. I came to the ADAPO cat shelter from the local campsite, and I've been here, oh, quite a while!

But don't we seniors also deserve our place in the sun? I'm a neutered boy, healthy, and just like everyone else, I'd just like to live out the rest of my life with some loving care and dignity. If you can offer me a home, I offer you loyalty, purrs and affection in return."

If you would like to know more about Jota, please email or visit the ADAPO Facebook page (in Portuguese and English)

*ADAPO, or Associação pela Defesa dos Animais e Plantas de Olhão, is a local non-profit group established in 2004 by Célia Caravela.