Amazing €2000 donation to 'Sterilise Our Strays'

AMAZING €2000 DONATION TO 'STERILISE OUR STRAYS'Sterilise Our Strays are absolutely over the moon with the amazing donation made by the Basement Band for Charity Algarve, which we received on 6th August 2022 at Primavera Restaurant in Tunes.

Del and Johnny AK presented the € 2000 donation to Ginie, President of Sterilise Our Strays (formerly known as SOS Algarve Animals). We think it is amazing what these guys do, all the money they raise is distributed amongst charities. Since October 2021 they managed, raised and donated € 24.000 which is truly an fabulous achievement! Of course, without the general public and people attending these events, this would not have been possible!

€ 2000 donation The funds are truly welcome as at the moment we have more cries for help in our email than we have funds in the bank account unfortunately. There are 2 female dogs in Messines awaiting sterilisation. During the first week of August we sterilised Jesse, and Tucker and pup Zsa Zsa is scheduled for sterilisation in the coming 2 weeks. We also have a request from the Centro Bem Estar Animal in Albufeira to please continue our help and fund the sterilisation of their kittens and can we please add their puppies so they are rehomed safe and never at risk of becoming pregnant! We can now happily acknowledge and confirm this request for help!

The only way forward in reducing the unbelieveable high number of unwanted animals is sterilisation of all, puppies and kittens included. We will never be able to rehome ourselves out of this dire situation of abandonment, neglect and abuse!
Between 1 January and 30 June 2022 we had 694 animals coming in for sterilisation and other help. 610 were cats, and 44 dogs were taken out of the reproduction cycle!
In total 185 pregnant cats came in and we prevented the birth of 736 unwanted kittens! Sterilise Our Strays does whatever is possible and financially within reach to help these animals.

Del, Johnny AK, Alan, Gary, all the guests and lovely people who have attended and donated, on behalf of these animals with no voice: THANK YOU SO MUCH !!

President Sterilise Our Strays