Rotary Club Estoi Palace Honoured by Rotary International

100% Paul Harris Fellow Club bannerRotary Club Estoi Palace International was honoured to be recognised by Rotary International for its commitment to and active support of the worldwide work of Rotary in the prevention of disease and humanitarian care. 

In a letter from the Chairman of The Rotary Foundation Trustees, D. K. Lee, to the club members he congratulated them on their support for the Rotary ideals of giving to help others.

In recognition of their financial support the club has been awarded the 100% Paul Harris Fellow Club banner, only the second club in Portugal to receive this recognition. The club will now be added to the worldwide list of such recognised clubs.

Members of Estoi Palace Rotary with the awarded banner

Rotary Club Estoi Palace International has been very effective in fund raising including project managing the financing of the purchase of a refrigerated truck for Banco Alimentar Contra Fome (Food Bank) in Faro and a new ambulance for the São Brás de Ãlportel Bombeiros.

This award was primarily to recognise the club member’s donations towards helping to achieve the elimination of Polio worldwide which whilst much reduced is still affecting many people in the three nations where it is still endemic.

Further fund raising is underway including The Blevins Franks Annual Rotary Regatta on 14th June (note revised date) and the Monte Rei Annual Golf Tournament on the 30th August, to raise funds towards the provision of an improved breast screening programme on behalf of the Algarve Oncology Association.

Members of Rotary Club Estoi Palace International are very aware and appreciative of the continuing support and generosity of other local Rotary Clubs and the residents of the Algarve.

Further information is available from or telephone 936 933 799.