
Playing for ACCA

Jenny Harrison of ACCA and James Cater, owner of 84 Bistro and Wine Bar, ready to fuel the Pro-Am golfersIt was from an idea of Christophe Rindlisbacher, Golf Director of Pinheiros Altos Golf, that a series of three fundraising Pro Am golf events came together as a much-lauded tournament, played over September, October and finally November. 

As a result, children’s charity ACCA is the beneficiary of €3,400, which will be put into the causes it supports.

Pinheiros Altos Golf remains one of ACCA’s staunchest supporters and has raised over €9,000 for the charity. The club’s members, as well as its staff, give generously in both time and donations that have made a difference to the work ACCA can undertake.

The final game in the tournament series, staged last week, proved to be a great sporting event, despite wintry winds and a grey sky. Fifty-two players took up the challenge and one, Roger Brandao, got a 'hole in one' on the 9th of Pines; he was presented with a bottle of Champagne and a special certificate to mark his success.
The winning Pro, Antonio Sobrinho, came in with a fantastic two under par for the round.

Sponsor 84 Bistro and Wine Bar, provided hot food and refreshments on the course and also a packed lunch for players, while Portugal Properties presented every golfer with a goody bag containing a golf towel, pen and key ring.
So committed is the community to help raise funds for ACCA, the charity was given vouchers by many restaurants and golf clubs; Bill Godley of Prime Wines provided a case of wine for each player on the winning team.

Left the right: Jenny Harrison of ACCA, Christophe Rindlisbacher, Alexandre Cristina, José Gonçalves, Miguel Cristina and Mario Domingues


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