
The last BALL of 2014

The last BALL of 2014On Wednesday 19th November 50 members of the BALL (Buddies Algarve Ladies Lunch) enjoyed the last lunch club event of 2014 at ‘LUAU Restaurant ‘, Albufeira. The event included the presence of 5 stalls offering a wide range of Christmas cards and gifts, high end jewellery, fashion items, Aloe Vera products and yummy chocolates from a local chocolatier.

The last BALL of 2014, at LUAU restaurant in AlbufeiraThe organisers would like to thank LUAU restaurant for allowing the group to have the stalls, and for such a fantastic choice of food.

As this was the last lunch of the year, the members voted on the charity that was to receive the donations collected at each event throughout the year. The amount collected this year was €600, and the nominated charity is ‘Liga Portuguesa Conta o Cancro Nucleo Regional do Sul ’. This charity supports families who have a member undergoing treatment for cancer and also cancer research.

The organisers would like to thank everyone for their support, and look forward to seeing you in January 2015.

If you would like to join the group contact Carole Good–Dixon on carole66@sapo.pt.

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