Harvest Festival donations for disadvantaged Portuguese families

St Luke's Church"Members of St. Luke's congregation fill 50 boxes of groceries following the Harvest Festival service. The boxes are destined for disadvantaged Portuguese families in the area and all the food was donated by members of the congregation."

St. Luke's Church was built by Mrs. Mary Cornelius Reid and is the only Church of England consecrated Church in the Algarve. The circular construction originates from the old threshing circle on which it was built and it has seating for approximately 120 people.

The congregation packaging Harvest Festival boxesThe location of the Church is convenient for people travelling from Loule, S. B. de Alportel, Tavira, Faro and the surrounding areas.  There is a Sunday Eucharist each Sunday morning at 11.30 am,  with the"1662" Order of Service being used on the third Sunday of each month. Said Eucharist is available on the first and third Thursday of each month at 11:00 am.
Adjacent to the Church is the Village Hall which is used by the congregation for fellowship and refreshments after the Sunday service.

St. Luke's Church is a delightful location for Wedding Blessings and several are held throughout the year. The dedicated support of the Chaplaincy team, including organists, and the gentle charm of this rural setting contribute to making a Wedding Day one to remember for the Wedding Party and their guests.
A friendly welcome is extended to all who use our Church and parents who bring their children to be Baptised at the Sunday morning service will notice that the Congregation rejoice with them on this most important day for their family.

For bereaved families, there is the comfort of a dedicated and sympathetic team to support them through their ordeal.

St Luke's: Anglican church at Monte Palagueiram retirement village, Gorjoes, Santa Barbara de Nexe. Services at 11.30am Sunday. Monte de Palagueira, Gorjoes, Santa Barbara de Nexe,Algarve.

W: www.stvincentsalgarve.org
T: 917 267 948