Strong support for End Polio Now

End Polio Now campaignThe Algarve chapter of the Rotarians’ Wine Appreciation Fellowship held its first fundraising event for the multi-national campaign End Polio Now on Friday, 4th October at Restaurant Veneza, near Paderne. 

We’re this close to eradicating polio!

A joint programme of the World Health Organisation, UNICEF, Rotary International and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, End Polio Now is making a final push to finish a project begun nearly 30 years ago; to eradicate the crippling disease in Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan, the few remaining countries where the wild virus remains active.

Rotarians from 7 clubs were joined by a cross-section of members of the public to enjoy a selection of the exciting wines from Quinta do Pinto, presented by family member Ana Cardoso Pinto.

The wines were perfectly complemented by the scrumptious food at Veneza.  And the response . . . it was outstanding!!  A total of €1970 was raised through the generosity of those present, with substantial donations also made by those unable to attend.  End Polio Now lapel pins were especially popular, some selling for as much as €10.

A special thanks is due to Quinta do Pinto, who also made their wines available for purchase at special reduced prices at the event. 

Are you a Rotarian in the Algarve?  Or, are you a Rotarian who visits the Algarve regularly?  Why not join our Wine Fellowship chapter?  We meet regularly for seminars to learn about Portuguese wine and we occasionally have a fundraising event. 

Contact or phone 916 787 925.