'Calendar Girls' raises over €11,000 for the Oncology Association

Jaime Ferreira, Maria José Nicolau and Maria de Lurdes Pereira from the AOA with Steve Dackombe, Jan Sheppeard and Turea Spencer of The Algarveans Experimental Theatre.In early 2013, when the Algarveans Experimental Theatre group decided to perform the acclaimed stage show "Calendar Girls", the hunt began for a worthy cause.   This poignant play, written by Tim Firth, portrayed the ethos of the meaning of cancer to all those it touches, and the ingenious efforts of fund raising for a new sofa.  
Naturally, the theatre group sought to donate funds raised to help those suffering from this invasive disease, and the chosen charity had to be the Associação Oncológica do Algarve (AOA).

Jaime Ferreira, Maria José Nicolau and Maria de Lurdes Pereira from the AOA with Steve Dackombe, Jan Sheppeard and Turea Spencer of The Algarveans Experimental Theatre.We are pleased and proud to announce that through the donations received for the specially produced calendars together with a proportion of ticket sales and raffle donations, the sum of Є11,182 was presented to the AOA for their project Casa Flor das Dunas.  This sum will enable them to apply for a grant in 2014 from the European Union to begin building phase one.
Conveniently situated next to the radiology unit, on land already donated by Faro council, Casa Flor das Dunas will house patients requiring daily treatment in specially designed en suite rooms where their families will also be able to stay.

The cheque was presented on behalf of the group by Steve Dackombe to Maria de Lurdes.

Algarveans Experimental Theatre
W: www.thealgarveans.com
E: algarveansboxoffice@gmail.com
T: 282 496 635 | 913 723 611  |  966 211 634