Rotarians co-host Christmas Party for underprivileged children in Estoi

Rotarians Christmas party for underprivelaged kidsOn Sunday, December 15th the Estoi Casa do Povo held its annual Christmas Party for the underprivileged families in the parish. This year the local Freguesia unfortunately had no funds in their budget to help finance the festivities, so the staff at the Casa do Povo requested the assistance of the Rotary Club Estoi Palace International (RECPI).

Santa at the Rotarians Christmas Party for underprivelaged childrenRECPI were delighted to lend a helping hand and began by providing a buffet of sandwiches, crisps, cakes and soft drinks. The children were shyly intrigued by the face painting artist RECPI had engaged for the party, and after seeing the decorative results on the face of the first volunteer, a queue quickly formed for face and nail painting.

In the main room of the Casa do Povo an animated Christmas film was screened, followed by a lively karate demonstration by local children. Directly after this a second group, who are all coached by a local volunteer, presented an energetic performance of folklore dancing. Afterward Sandra Pires, the manager of the Casa do Povo, presented three students from the Estoi school with merit awards.

RECPI members were able to prevail upon Father Christmas to make a special appearance at the party with a small sack of chocolate gold coins which were distributed to all. The children were thrilled to see Pai de Natal and could barely contain their excitement when he announced that he had a present for each child.

The Mayor of Faro and the Mayor of Conceição and Estoi were on hand to enjoy the festivities and praised the work of the Casa do Povo, which is vital to the community in Estoi. RECPI were delighted to be able to assist in making the party a marvellous Christmas memory for the children.