'Swim for Shoes' - a swimming success!

Swim for Shoes 2013Swim for Shoes 2013, the annual event to swim or paddle in the Atlantic Ocean has, this year, so far raised just over €1100 for new shoes for children in care.

Many congratulations and thanks to all those who participated.

Swim for Shoes 2013This year on Christmas day it was a swim with a difference - due to the sea conditions it was decided that the dip should be in the Holiday Inn Algarve's'  outdoor swimming pool, which was much warmer than the sea.
A film crew from SIC filmed the whole event and interviewed a number of participants. This brought a lot of national attention to the event when it was shown on their News Programme. 


Swim for Shoes 2013/14 - New Years DaySea Conditions on New Years Day were a little better, with a chance for an uplifting rendition of Auld Lang Syne before people took to the sea.

The money will be going to buy shoes during the year for the teenagers at A Gaivota, Santa Casa in Albufeira. Each child at school needs a pair of trainers and plimsolls and the excellent amount raised means that all the teenagers will be fully kitted out.

Certificates were awarded to all those who got wet and everyone enjoyed a "Hot Chocolate " in the Holiday Inn Algarve bar afterwards.

The Holiday Inn Algarve would like to thank all those who took part and all those who watched. Thanks also to all those who helped us to publicise this event.