ASB deliver their donations to Gaivota Children's Home

Algarve Senior BikersOn Monday the 23rd of Dec a a delegation led by organiser David Shirley from the Algarve Senior Bikers Group, accompanied by Samantha Birch of The Peta Birch Community Association, visited the Teenagers at the Gaivota Home in Albufeira to hand over the €420 raised by the bikers at their Charity Christmas Lunch and previous rides.

Also present were ASB members Brendan and Leia Bowler , Pete Duffell , Peter Moseley , Peter Kenyon , Martin Taylor and Steve Wills who were pleased to receive a short tour of the home, and chat with some of the residents and staff.

NEXT ASB Meeting
A ride organised by Steve Will and Martin Taylor. Starting at the Petrofer Service Station near A22 Juntion 11 Boliqueime, and finishing in Vale Fuzeiros near SB Messines.

Details on the website or telephone David on 282 444 061 or 918 421 613.


ASB at the Gaivota Home