
Dramatic challenge - A Portada Theatre Group brings George Bernard Shaw's comic play to Loulé.

Miguel Cosme plays ‘Bluntschi’ and Samantha Birnie as ‘Raina’A Portada’s next appearance is at Cine-Teatro Loulé on Friday, December 16th and Saturday the 17th. Their new production is of 'Arms and the Man' by George Bernard Shaw. Although it deals with serious subject matter it is the nearest Shaw ever got to farce and is acclaimed as his wittiest comedy. Written at the end of the 19th century its anti-war message was the 'Blackadder Goes Forth' of its time.

Tackling plays with complex themes is a hallmark of ‘A Portada Theatre Group’ having successfully staged Shakespeare productions and most recently Oscar Wilde's, 'The Importance of being Ernest’.

The new production is directed by Priscilla Morgan, previously an actress seen on London's West End stage and on television. The imaginative stage set and beautiful costumes are by Lesley Sweeney, a designer experienced with theatre companies in the UK. The cast consists of professional and amateur actors portraying Major Petkoff, his well-to-do family and servants, the dashing Major Saranoff and the pragmatic Captain Bluntschli.

Set in a small town in Bulgaria where the Petkoff's live, it is 1885 during the Serbo- Bulgarian war. The plot begins when a mercenary soldier trying to avoid capture climbs through a window of the Petkoff's house.

Unlike today when through the media people are fully aware of the tragedy of war, Shaw’s play was written when soldiering was glorified and mercenaries were commonplace. A Portada's interpretation makes the most of the script’s clever humour. A must see show for theatre enthusiasts living or visiting the Algarve.

Venue and Times

Ciné Teatro Loulé

Friday December 16th at 8pm
Saturday 17th December at 8pm

Adults : 12 euros, Students 7 euros (Suitable for children)
T:  913 821 108

Words: Carolyn Kain
Photo: Peter Kain

The cast of ‘Arms and the Man’

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