
'Wild Orchids – Odysseys & Oddities' - talk by Sue Parker followed by guided walk

Sue ParkerMediterranean Gardening Association – Portugal, Members and Friends Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday April 1st 2017, including a talk by Sue Parker, followed by guided walk 'Wild Orchids – Odysseys & Oddities'.

“Go to the right places in the Algarve at the right times of year, and the most amazing orchid sights will greet you.”

Sue Parker shares her time between homes in Wales and the Algarve and travels, mainly in Europe, to see, photograph and learn more about wild terrestrial orchids. Her passion for wild orchids dates back to her childhood in the Far East, where epiphytic orchids grew on the fence at the bottom of her garden.

To date Sue has written eight books about wildflowers, including three that are devoted to terrestrial orchids. She has also made radio and television programmes about orchids and contributes articles to journals and magazines. Her talk will focus on some of the most beautiful flowers to be found in the Algarve. Sue Parker and Pat O´Reilly will lead our wildflower walk in the Paderne area.
More info http://www.algarvewildlife.com/index.php

The business meeting will be updated on activities of the past year with opportunities to hear about plans for the future and participate in an informal discussion. Reports will be circulated before the meeting and only members are eligible to vote at the meeting.

ALL are welcome to attend the meeting, talk, lunch and walk – €5 entry fee for non members attending the talk, free to MGAP members.

The AGM will be followed by the talk, lunch and a guided wildflower walk in the Paderne area. AGM Meeting will be held at Paderne Sports Club, near to the cemetery. Pavilhão Desportivo de Paderne, GPS 37°10'47.4"N 8°12'20.3"W.

The full range of natural history books by Sue Parker and Pat O´Reilly on the Algarve will be available and the authors will be with us to sign your new books ! This will include the NEW EDITION of Fascinated by Fungi. There will be other books and seed sales. You will be welcome to join us for the talk only, the lunch and/or the afternoon walk.

CLICK HERE for more information about the Guided Walk.


10.00 Coffee available at the Sports Club at the bar – cost not included.
10.30-11.30 AGM Business Meeting and Election of Officers/MGAP Board
12 noon Illustrated Talk by Sue Parker on Wild Orchids – Odysseys & Oddities with book/seed sales
13.30 Lunch in Resturante Paraiso do Algarve GPS N 37.11 51.5 W 008 13 15.3
14.30 Guided Walks - route depending on conditions on the day
16.00 Disperse

Please book in before March 29th by contacting Burford Hurry on 289 417 023, or email burfordhpt@gmail.com.

AGM meeting - Free to members and guests, €5 guests, talk entry fee - free for members.
€20 Three Course lunch & Guided Walk – please book your places & menu choices,menu available on request,

PARKING: Parking available in front of the Sports Club or nearby, signs out on the day.

W: www.mediterraneangardeningportugal.org

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