ACCA thanks its Angels

ACCA thanks it's AngelsEvery Christmas, the generosity of the community never fails to amaze those involved with the Angels programme, and delight the recipients of the surprise gifts ‘from Santa’.

Children’s charity ACCA, which supports under-privileged youngsters in homes and institutions across the Algarve, as well as those living below the poverty line, has been running the Angels programme since 2001.

A bumper weekend for ACCA

Santa arrived in a vintage Merc It seemed like one big ACCA party. First, the children’s charity encouraged snowball throwing at the Quinta Shopping day on Saturday, as kids young (and not so young) took turns to pot the ball into the chimney pot of a beautiful Portuguese-style house model, made especially for the event by Acca supporters Alan and Linda Bentley.
A prize-packed tombola, as well as the sale of Christmas cards, designed by children in the homes ACCA supports, helped raise much-needed funds that will go towards special treatments needed by many of the youngsters.

Poppy Appeal result 2014

Poppy Appeal result 2014With the close of the Poppy Appeal approaching for 2014, the figure raised in Portugal is an amazing €38,700. What is particularly satisfying is that the monies raised during the 2 weeks of Poppytide has risen this year by 44%.
The thanks of the Royal British Legion National Committee go to all our supporters, but particularly to the Poppy Appeal Area Organisers and Distributors, without whom there would be no collection year on year.

Together they commit time and energy so the RBL can help our veterans and bereaved families to 'LIVE ON'.

Sandra Wilkinson
Poppy Appeal Coordinator
Royal British Legion - Portugal Branch

Successful Christmas Market for Rotary Club Porches

Successful Christmas Market for Rotary Club PorchesSanta is pleased to report on the success of the Rotary E-Club Porches International Christmas Market held 22-23 November at Galeria Arte Algarve in Lagoa.

A total of € 3,886 was raised to help the Portimão Food Bank with its equipment needs.

Golf in Gear

ACCAGood golf is high on the list of priorities for many an ex-pat here on the Algarve. Combine that with good food, great company and the opportunity to help the needy and you have the ingredients for a perfect lifestyle.

A week or so ago, a Golf and Charity Lunch at 84 Bistro & Wine Bar produced more than €750 for children’s charity, ACCA, which is raising its profile and following here as an increasing number of supporters come forward to help fund-raise.

The last BALL of 2014

The last BALL of 2014On Wednesday 19th November 50 members of the BALL (Buddies Algarve Ladies Lunch) enjoyed the last lunch club event of 2014 at ‘LUAU Restaurant ‘, Albufeira. The event included the presence of 5 stalls offering a wide range of Christmas cards and gifts, high end jewellery, fashion items, Aloe Vera products and yummy chocolates from a local chocolatier.

Playing for ACCA

Jenny Harrison of ACCA and James Cater, owner of 84 Bistro and Wine Bar, ready to fuel the Pro-Am golfersIt was from an idea of Christophe Rindlisbacher, Golf Director of Pinheiros Altos Golf, that a series of three fundraising Pro Am golf events came together as a much-lauded tournament, played over September, October and finally November. 

As a result, children’s charity ACCA is the beneficiary of €3,400, which will be put into the causes it supports.

V&V raise €1000 for under-privileged children

V&V raise €1000 for under-priviledged childrenVillas & Vacations recent coffee morning in aid of ACCA, raised just over €1,000 for for charity that looks after under-privileged children across the Algarve and works with a number of homes and institutions, funding everything from urgent medication needs and special equipment and therapies to back-to-school essentials.