
Currency Market Update - 17th February 2023

Currency Market UpdateYesterday we saw US PPI (producer price inflation) reach 0.7%, its highest level in 7 months. We also had four speeches from Federal Reserve members commeting on the economic outlook for the US.

Currency Market Update - 16th February 2023

Currency Market UpdateThe USD dipped slightly this morning, giving up some of its gains from yesterday but is still keeping GBP struggling to break the 1.21 area and the EUR just about hanging on to 1.07. U.S Retail Sales rebounded sharply in January after two straight months of declining figures, rising 3% on the month when compared to December’s 1.1% fall.

Currency Market Update - 15th February 2023

Currency Market UpdateYesterday we saw UK Employment data release above expectation, which saw GBP climb above both Dollar & Euro. 34K more jobs above forecast and unemployment remained unmoved at 3.7%.
Average earnings however dropped by 0.3% below forecast to 5.9%.

Tips for saving money for a rainy day

Tips for saving money for a rainy day.Finances, money, and earnings are all very common parts of simply being an adult. Money makes the world go around, but sometimes we might need some extra help dealing with it.

Currency Market Update - 14th February 2023

Currency Market UpdateUK Wages continued to climb in the UK but failed to keep pace with inflation despite the largest rise outside of the COVID pandemic.

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