
What are your UK pension options in Portugal today?

What are your UK pension options in Portugal today?Pensions are often the key to long-term financial security, so it is crucial to take extreme care when deciding what to do here. Expatriates have the added complication of factoring in the tax rules of two countries, as well as the potential for Brexit to limit the opportunities available.
So what are today’s options for Britons living in Portugal?

Currency News - Feb 11th

Currency update

Renewed risks of no-deal Brexit weakens Sterling - Staying on top of the latest currency news can help you time your transfers more effectively, so find out what you should be looking out for over the next couple of weeks…

Taxation of Income: PART 3 - Income From Capital - Bank Interest (Category E)


Income is reported in different categories: A) Salaries, B) Sole Traders, E) Capital, F) Property, G) Capital Gains and H) Pensions and is taxable in Portugal regardless of its origin. For non-residents, only income actually arising in Portugal is subject to assessment.

Taxation of bank interest was harmonised throughout the European Union with the introduction of the EU Savings Directive. The following situations reveal which tax options exist and the implications of each scenario.

Safe income generating investment for all types of investors

Safe income generating investment for all types of investorsIIMG is a bespoke Investment Management advisory company operating globally who have a presence in the Algarve and Lisbon. We work closely with Expats who reside in Portugal and hold assets outside, advising them on all manner of tax efficient investment options and ideas. We believe that clients should be speaking to 2/3 advisory firms and not just to listen to one opinion, we'd like to ask the following questions...

Taxation of Income: PART 2 - Sole Traders (Category B)

Taxation of IncomeIncome is reported in different categories: A) Salaries, B) Sole Traders, E) Capital, F) Property, G) Capital Gains and H) Pensions and is taxable in Portugal regardless of its origin. For non-residents, only income actually arising in Portugal is subject to assessment.

Five things you may not realise about UK inheritance tax

Five things you may not realise about UK inheritance taxAs inheritance tax revenue continues to soar for the UK Treasury year-by-year, it seems more families are getting caught in the net. The UK government collected a record high of over £5.2 billion in 2017/18 – 8% more than the year before.

For expatriates, it can be especially difficult to know where you stand with UK inheritance tax. With rates at 40%, it pays to understand your position and what you can do to minimise exposure for your heirs.

Taxation of Income: PART 1 - Salaries (Category A)

IRSIncome is reported in different categories: A) Salaries, B) Sole Traders, E) Capital, F) Property, G) Capital Gains and H) Pensions and is taxable in Portugal regardless of its origin. For non-residents, only income actually arising in Portugal is subject to assessment.

Wage earners have little choice when it comes to submitting a tax return. Since tax on salaries is normally withheld at source, one of the main objectives in filing a tax declaration is to seek out ways to a refund. Before exploring deductions and tax credits, first it is essential to understand what constitutes taxable salary income besides what you receive in your monthly pay cheque.

Currency News - Jan 11th 2019

Currency updatePound could fall as Brexit vote looms - Staying on top of the latest currency news can help you time your transfers more effectively, so find out what you should be looking out for over the next couple of weeks…