
Institutional recognition for Quinta dos Vales

You are here: Home  Features  Wines Institutional recognition for Quinta dos ValesHighlights for Quinta dos Vales were non-stop last week. As well as the Marquês dos Vales wines being awarded with two medals in the 6th competition of 'The Best Wine of the Algarve' held at the Fatacil in Lagoa, the company was also honoured by the Direção Regional de Agricultura e Pescas do Algarve for its contribution towards the production and appreciation of quality Algarve produce.

The awards ceremony dinner for the 6th Algarvian Wine Competition, organised by DRAPALG, was held on the 17th of August at the Picadeiro Restaurant at the Fatacil, during which tribute was paid to Quinta dos Vales along with four other companies for being on the forefront of promotion and awareness of regional Algarvian produce. This recognition was also owed to the fact that we have represented the region, nationally and internationally, with a growing number of awards and medals, bringing notoriety to the Algarve and its wines.

This institutional recognition, allied with the Gold medals won for Grace Vineyard white and Grace Viognier, both from the 2012 harvest, and the 'Grand Gold Medal' received by the latter, and crowned it as 'The Best Wine of The Algarve', helps keeping us motivated in the search for quality and excellence in our products, an impulse we have had from the beginning. These recent prizes have reaffirmed the success that Quinta dos Vales has celebrated internationally so far this year.

T:  +351 282 431 036
W: www.quintadosvales.eu
Facebook: QuintaDosVales.Vinho.e.Arte

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