
International Retirement: Moving to Portugal

INTERNATIONAL RETIREMENT: MOVING TO PORTUGALPeople choose many different destinations when they retire. Most of these places are often someplace warm with many attractions. These are often international locations, which require a different type of moving accommodations. Not all moving companies offer all of the services you will require when you move overseas. Many of these companies do not offer international location services, or if they do, they can’t ship your vehicle too. Finding the right mix will require that you look into various international moving companies.

Why Portugal?

 Portugal has a natural beauty and temperate climate that most retirees are looking to find in an atmosphere to retire. You will find many beaches and golf courses, that can make relocating to Portugal almost perfect. The cities and towns that you will find in Portugal have something for everyone.

Preparing to Move

When planning on moving abroad, you will have to make sure you prepare yourself for the move, financially, mentally, and physically. New climates and surroundings can affect your physical being as well as your mental one. The best thing you can do is learn about Portuguese culture. The more you immerse yourself, the easier the transition will be. 

You also have to think about the move in terms of your belongings. Your belongings mean your household goods, your vehicle, and any pets you may have. Begin taking an inventory of the things you will be taking overseas with you, and start talking to moving companies who provide the services you need. You may find that you won’t want to bring everything you own and that purchasing new ones when you arrive will be a better option.  

Deciding to Ship Your Car

You probably aren’t going to want to buy a new car when you get to your final destination in Portugal. Finding an international shipping company that can ship your belongings and your car will be the best option on your wallet. 

When you need to ship a vehicle overseas, finding a company that has the experience can be challenging. You need to check out the Department of Transportation number and the Motor Carrier number to look at the reports and reviews of the company. Most international car and household shipping companies will have a relationship with the Better Business Bureau, which is also an excellent place to start.

What to Consider When Retiring in Portugal

When deciding to retire in Portugal, you need to figure out what it is that you want to do with your time. Portugal is full of activities that can stimulate all of your senses. Algarve has some of the best golf courses in Europe, and beaches to boot. Lisbon is the scene for food and wine if that is more of your passion. 

Whatever it is that you plan to do when you retire, know that with the right moving professionals on your side, the process can go smoothly. Paperwork will be a breeze, and you will be on the beach or golf course in no time if you rely on the professionals.


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