
Can everyone really create a Palace of their own?

Paupers PalaceYes is the answer to that question, I believe. As a teenager coming from a working class family, it was my treat to go to the local corner shop with my pocket money and pick up the latest Home & Garden magazine.

Flicking through the pages and pages of images I would find myself wishing that one day I too could have a home like what I saw in front of me. Of course at that time I was of the opinion that it would cost me a small fortune.

I began thinking about Interior Design back in 2012 which at the time I was busy working long hours as an office temp to afford the living expenses of London.

Then in early 2014 shortly after moving into my new apartment, I came out of work suddenly. It was one particular sunny spring morning, I had just got off the phone cancelling an order for two mirror console tables that were due to be delivered later that week (which I could no longer afford to buy due to my unemployment).  I slumped down on the floor of the unfurnished living room staring at the recently panelled and painted walls thinking, ‘how am I going to finish/furnish my new home now?’

Then it hit me. Could I perhaps build the mirror console tables myself? What else could I actually do myself? Could I open a business that caters not just for the wealthy?

My first design project I hurried onto my feet, splashed my face with cold water and then set about costing up materials and tools and commenced my first design project (pictured right). Total Budget £750.

Interestingly, I found all that was required was a bit of Creativity & Imagination, and of course a little skill.

This was the birth of Paupers Palace. An Interior Design Service for all.

Paupers Palace is about:

• Achieving a luxury feel at a fraction of the cost.
• Enabling people from all financial walks of life to create a Palace of their own.
• Demonstrating that money is not the only prerequisite to achieve good taste/and or style.

Total Budget for Lounge - £1250Budget

Naturally the bigger the budget, the more you can always achieve, yet whatever the budget of the client, Paupers Palace’ mission and objectives are to achieve the same for all.

Total Budget for Lounge (pictured left) £1,250.

Recycling and Up-cycling have become a big part of what I doHome-build, Recycling and Up-cycling have become a big part of what I do.

I want my business to be Eco-friendly as possible. Why throw it away if it can be reused? For example, I found this chair on a nearby street (pictured right) and transformed it for only £20.

I try to do as much of the physical decorating work myself so as to keep the budget low. 

T: 924 201 941 (Portugal)  | +44 7391 491 446 (UK)

E: paupers.palace@outlook.com

Click on this link to discover morewww.paupers-palace.co.uk


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