
Stricken trawler rescued south of Olhão

olhaoportThe rescue of the fishing trawler, Carmen Bandeira, drifting aimlessly with no engine power off the Algarve coast, was confirmed today by the Captain of the Port of Olhão.

The 20 metre, 175 tonne commercial vessel radioed for help about 13 miles south of Olhão/Faro.

On Monday morning, two trawlers that were operating in the area towed the stricken vessel to a position just south of the Ria Formosa islands from where the Port of Sines and the Algarve tugboat took over and towed the Carmen Bandeira to the Olhão dock area.

According to the Maritime Authority, the trawler suffered flooding in the engine room which knocked out the motors.
The operation was overseen by the Lifeboat service and the Maritime Police, the latter praising the assistance given by the skippers of the Pires Coelho and Aurora Boreal trawlers.




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