Silves council project covers junction boxes with artwork

silvesbridge2Silves council has decided that the unsightly junction boxes standing in its streets should be covered with artwork.

So unattractive are these ugly impositions that Silves decided that boxes across the council area should be covered with plastic film featuring something more attractive than bird droppings and graffiti.

The project started last November in Silves itself with the city's jnuction boxes being decorated by artist Flávio Pontes whose various designs are lauded as being intriguing and attractive.

The various designs now being applied across the Silves area, reproduce and reinterpret monuments, people, iconic characters and artistic and architectural details from each Silves council parish.

The project, called STENCILPES, also marks the 750th anniversary of the granting of a charter to Silves.

Having researched his subjects and prepared the artwork, the next stage for Sr Pontes is currently taking place as the plastic film artwork is being applied to boxes across the council area.

This all should be finished by September but those wanting to see a completed area, visit S. Marcos da Serra.

As well as making the place look tidier and more attractive, the council also hopes that young people will see art as something accessible and fun.