
Sunday night violence - crowd cleared from 'the strip' in Albufeira

albufeiraCrowdSunday night out in Albufeira easily could have turned into a riot as 50 anti-riot police dealt with 600 - 1,000  revellers who had spilled out into the street after a bar room fight was tacked by officers with batons.

A low number of PSP police were injured as they intervened in the general disorder along the infamous ‘strip’ and used batons to clear people from the area.

The authorities were close by and swift to intervene, deciding the best course of action was to clear the streets before someone was badly injured.

The group of around 1,000 people on the Portugal Invasion festival trip ("7 days of non-stop sun, sea, alcohol and parties") consisted of British visitors in their early 20s, according to the authorities. Many were staying at Clube Praia da Oura as part of their £800 festival package which promised 'link ups' - street slang for opportunities for casual sex. The trouble is said to have started within this group.

Quoted in the Daily Mail's online offering, Liberto Mealha, owner of Kiss Disco and Liberto's Bar where the trouble kicked off, told SIC Noticias,

'What happened last night and over the past few days is that a group of around 1,000 British tourists, staying mainly at Clube Praia da Oura, have caused a lot of problems in the area, including thefts in supermarkets and souvenir shops and damage to some rented scooters which they were driving without helmet or the proper licences.

"It's very hard to control this situation at night-time. When there are conflicts between them, all we can do is call the authorities which is what we did on Sunday night. We had around 200 of these tourists in our bar and at one point a fight started between them. We called the police and the confusion spilled out onto the streets."

Two young men were injured with one ending up in hospital and the other receiving medical treatment on the spot.

Videos posted on social networks show many fleeing, some missiles being thrown and the authorities arriving to clear the streets. There are unconfirmed reports that shiots were fired by the police to reinforcing the order to 'clear the area.'

Holidaymakers caught up in the violence accused the police of overreacting. Local business owners said some of the tourists that travelled to Portugal for the festival had acted "disgracefully" during their stay.

Albufeira is Portugal's version of Spain's notorious 'costa' destinations, despite weak attempts by the local council to market the city as a family destination.

The local service economy runs on alcohol and mid-range package deal accommodation. The police authorities know this and the potential for drink-fuelled excess is appreciated and planned for.

Albufeira Uncovered describes the Strip thus: 'If you're looking for relaxation and Portuguese culture, then the Strip is not for you; but if you're looking for endless options for dining out (including great value full English breakfasts), themed pubs and bars, cheap drinks and partying until the cows come home, then the Strip is definitely your holiday paradise!'... 'and some bars on the Strip even offer large beers for as little as €0.99 in Happy Hour!'

The Portugal invasion website describes the event as:

"...an urban clubbing holiday. It's a week of entertainment and activities on the sunny coast of Albufeira with some of London's best urban Djs and Acts to give you 10 events and the best week of your life. Portugal invasion has an itinerary packed full of activities. We'll be spending the days having fun at waterparks, competing in sports days, boat parties and much more. Then we'll round off the evening with various themed parties (all white, WhoCares edition, army party). Some even include an open bar.

"There'll never be a dull moment with Portugal Invasion. No matter the time of day we'll ensure you're having the best time possible."

On Sunday, the authorities responded quickly and thoroughly and nobody was killed or seriously injured.  

The festival organiser, Reiss Brightly, (pictured below) 23, from London, says he "does not condone the behaviour" of those involved in violence.

Whether anyone had "the best time possible" can not be confirmed.









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