Fatal accident on the EN125 leaves the Arade bridge littered with wreckage

aradeOne person died and six were injured in a crash involving three vehicles on the EN125’s Arade Bridge near Portimão in the early hours of Tuesday morning, June 27.

The collision between three cars at the Ponte Nova do Arade, at about 02.40 resulted in the road being cut off as the emergency services dealt with the dead man, the injured and the extensive wreckage.

The District Command for Relief Operations said that Portimão firemen were soon on the scene alongside an emergency ambulance service crew and the GNR, a total of 26 personnel and 12 emergency vehicles.

Work on the west tower of the Ponte Nova do Arade is due to restart soon-ish, having been suspended a year ago after the first tower was refurbished. 

Width and speed restrictions are still in place but it is not yet known if these played any part in this morning's accident.