
Herdade de Comporta real estate company to be sold 'at a symbolic price'

comportaestateThe sale of the real estate side of Herdade de Comporta is reported to have been arranged with Ardma Imobiliária, a company controlled by oil magnate, Pedro Almeida and a group of Portuguese partners.

The luxury west coast estate, long referred to as 'the jewel in the crown' of the Espírito Santo clan, is being sold off in highly mysterious circumstances and ‘at a symbolic price’ despite being worth hundreds of millions on the open market.

A source close to the deal commented to algarvedailynews, "If it goes through, goodby the Comporta that we knew. There is a side deal with the (Espírito Santo) family so watch the developments with the agricultural company. It will not actually be properly auctioned as there are and will be more duo company arrangements which will exclude real bidders."

As it stands, the Herdade da Comporta property business owes Caixa Geral de Depósitos over €112 million and has defaulted.

The collapsed Grupo Espírito Santo property company, Rioforte, holds 59% of the shares which its Luxembourg liquidator has been trying to offload but prevented from doing so by the appointed advisor, Haitong Bank, which has screened out any sensible bids.

A further 26% of the shares are held by a disparate group of 80 Espírito Santo family members who are allowed to match any bids for the business - an option they may still exercise.  

At first, Haitong Bank’s José Maria Ricciardi, a cousin of Ricardo Salgado, was commissioned to select a bidder for the shares held by Rioforte in the Herdade de Comporta real estate business, despite a glaring conflict of interests due to his family connection.

This controversial arrangement soon was under fire with Ricciardi blocking overseas bidders in order to try and maintain control of the estate which, if shorn of debt, could be highly profitable.  

Such was the nature of Ricciardi’s motivation, bidders such as Asher Edelman and David Storper of Amory Merchant in the US, despite having a minimum of €400 million to spend on acquiring the Comporta businesses where assets are valued at least at €420 million, were fobbed off in favour of any arrangement that would keep the estate Portuguese and preferably controlled by the Espírito Santo family or a ‘front man’ ally.

in December 2016, Ricciardi was fired from Haitong bank by its chairman Hiroki Miyazato and said he was going "to pursue other interests," hinting at a large property deal. Maybe this is it, with Ardma Imobiliária fronting a bid for the family’s beloved Herdade de Comporta.

Today’s announcement of a sale ‘at a symbolic price’ needs urgent unpicking as the Luxembourg administrator clearly colluded with Haitong’s Ricciardi to block at least one high bid but now is happy to hand the estate over for a symbolic price.
The deal is not yet complete so it interesting to hear that such a delicate and confidential negotiations are in progress between the insolvency administrator of Rioforte and Pedro Almeida’s bag-carriers, said to be focusing on the debt owed to Caixa Geral.

The sale is being pitched as ‘saving’ the tourist enterprise at Herdade da Comporta with the Public Ministry approving the deal but in reality the ministry is trying to cloud the underlying issues by stating that the money from the sale ‘will stay in Portugal.’

Although Pedro Almeida says he wants also to buy the agricultural side of the business, this part of Herdade da Comporta is not included and without the real estate side and agricultural businesses being sold together, any contested buyer will always struggle to make sense of the overall Comporta opportunity. 

The conclusion is that Almeida is a welcomed bidder and that the clan has found a front man to get the estate back into family control after the disastrous collapse and subsequent disgrace of its leader Ricardo Salgado. Any future family involvement arranged by Ricciardi will exclude Ricardo Salgado as the two cousins are not on speaking terms.

By transferring the business at a low price, taxpayer-owned Caixa Geral may be no nearer to getting repaid, duped Rioforte investors will be no better off and the real circumstances surrounding the deal seem already to be hushed up by a complicit Portuguese press.

The State also is complicit as it approved the unfreezing and sale of Herdade de Comporta as long as the money released was held by the Portuguese courts. The deal, although announced today, has many provisos but the spin and press manipulation seems already to have started.


For background, see:

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