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Landmark drug and disease agreement between Portugal and Spain

mosquitoSpain and Portugal have reached an agreement to centralised the purchases of drugs to improve their healthcare delivery systems.

Spain's Health Minister, Dolors Montserrat, and his Portuguese counterpart, Adalberto Campos Fernandes, have agreed to reinforce the collaboration of both countries in the health field, which "will benefit 60 million people."

To work out how the two different drug purchasing systems can be melded, technicians from both countries will select a drug as a test and evaluate the results. This could happen by the end of the year.

With the resulting data, protocols can be established to coordinate the two medicine purchasing systems for future purchases. The drugs may end up being cheaper to buy, but this is not the sole objective as both ministers want to ensure "that no citizen is left behind in the access to innovative medicines and sustainability of the system."

Another of the points agreed in the landmark meeting falls in the environmental, entomological, epidemiological and research fields with the two countries keen to be better prepared in the face of any emerging or spreading disease.

The two ministries will work to identify risky border areas and to monitor environmental indicators, such as climate change or the existence of marshes, which are habitats that breed mosquitoes and ticks which spread many diseases.

Healthcare technicians will share common surveillance and data methods for the early detection of mosquitoes and will take joint measures to reduce and control populations in border areas.

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-3 #2 Charly 2017-07-12 10:34
Many years ago there was a shortage of certain expensive drugs. One found out that these drugs were taken out the portugese circuit and are fraudulently exported to countries that pays up to triple the price of these medications. I suppose these frauds exist still today, aren't they ?
A simular story exists concerning blood preparations with Socrates involved.
-2 #1 Steve.O 2017-07-12 07:54
Both Spain and Portugal have had and are still having massive frauds of their still largely unregulated medicines supply channels. It is bad enough to discover someone in the chain is pilfering the quality drugs out for the private sector, yet still charging the State, but worse is the ingress of half strength drugs that have been regularly detected.

Meaning that, for example, we are unwittingly building up disease resistance, yet not necessarily getting fully cured, when taking full courses of weak, under strength antibiotics.

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