
PM scraps Alojamento Local 'let the neighbours decide' amendment

alThe government’s poorly thought-out draft law to give neighbours the power to block Alojamento Local applications has died a premature death, even before going to parliament for discussion.

The prime minister has intervened to stop this controversial proposal from his own party that gave neighbours the power to authorise or to prohibit the rental of properties to tourists.(click here)

This short life of this draft law is possibly a record as the highly divisive proposal, introduced less than two months ago, now will not be scheduled for debate nor will it be voted on by MPs.

Signed by Socialist MPs Carlos Pereira and Filipe Neto Brandão, the draft law raised immediate objections from the mayors of Lisbon and Oporto, who had not been consulted in drafting of the proposed law despite representing the two Portuguese cities with the highest concentration of rental accommodation.

An additional, looming problem for the prime minister was the involvement of Hortense Martins, a Socialist Party MP, who has shares in the 'Investel, Investimentos Hoteleiros,' hotel group. She had played a key role in developing the legislative amendments to the Alojamento Local laws that would have disadvantaged owners of properties that are controlled by the condominium laws.

The legislative initiative was signed off by Filipe Neto Brandão and Carlos Pereira but it was Hortense Martins who played the decisive role in preparing the draft. (click)

The Secretary of State for Tourism, Ana Mendes Godinho, also claimed she has not been consulted.

The Socialist Party’s initiative was aimed "to ensure that the activity of local housing, in the case of urban buildings intended for housing, is not exercised with disregard of the rights of other owners."

To ensure neighbours were involved, among the documents needed when applying for an Alojamento Local licence, a copy of a positive decision from the owners’ condominium assembly would have been required.

Alojamento Local is one of the dossiers that now will be dealt with by the new Secretary of State for Housing, Ana Pinho, at a time when the lack of properties available for long-term rental in Portugal’s cities has become a real problem.


For property owners looking to go legitimate, contact the National Association of Local Lodging Establishments at www.nalle.pt  and/or ask afpop for information.

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