
GNR nab 308 drunk drivers over Christmas break

gnrstopBetween December 22nd and 26th, the GNR intensified its road control activities as the roads, not surprisingly, were extra busy with people travelling to and within the Algarve.

During the national ‘Tranquil Christmas’ operation there were 933 accidents resulting in seven deaths, 19 serious injuries and 299 minor injuries.

In relation to driver infractions, there were 2,825 people done for speeding, 308 for driving under the influence of alcohol, of which 93 had a blood alcohol content equal to or greater than 1.2 g/litre (plastered).

There also were 211 drivers stopped for using their mobile phones while driving and 196 for the incorrect or non-use of their seat belt.

New Year's Eve

From December 29th until the end of January 2nd, the GNR will be intensify road patrolling on main routes “to prevent accidents, ensure traffic flow and act in support of all road users in order to provide them with a safe journey.”

The GNR will pay particular attention to cars going to and from the top New Year’s Eve entertainment venues and will be paying particular attention to moped and motorcycle riders and making sure pedestrians and bicyclists are OK.

The National Traffic Unit will focus its attention on drunk drivers, those speeding, dangerous drivers, incorrect or non-use of seat belts and child restraints and motorcyclists without helmets.

The GNR has some handy hints for pedestrians who should walking on pavements or hard shoulders, walk in the opposite direction to traffic and as far to the side of the road as possible, cross at pedestrian crossings, wear light-colored clothing with some reflective material.

Cyclists should wear a helmet, protective clothing and reflective material and in urban areas they should be careful of car doors that open suddenly and children running out from between vehicles.

At night or when visibility is reduced, bicycles must have a headlight and a red light. When cycling, the use of headphones and mobile phones is prohibited, with the exception of devices with a single earpiece or a loudspeaker system.

Motorcyclists must wear a helmet, protective clothing and reflective and protective material, must always have lights on, must not drive between rows of vehicles, keep a safe distance and be extra careful in poor weather.

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