
Operation SHOCK - defibrillators needed - only four Algarve Bombeiros commands to go

OperationSHOCKAmbulanceAn appeal has been sent in by afpop, the organiser of Operation SHOCK, which already has supplied defibrillators to many of the Algarve's Bombeiros commands.
With four weeks to go, donations are needed to supply Loulé, Monchique, Vila Real do Santo António and Vila do Bispo's Bombeiros with this lifesaving equipment - will readers help by making a donation?
Operation SHOCK ... "four weeks to go and just four more defibrillators to donate."
The afpop-led drive, to raise enough money to purchase a portable defibrillator for each of the 17 Bombeiros' commands in the Algarve, has only four weeks left to run and there are still 4 Bombeiros' commands waiting to benefit -
Vila Real do Santo António and
Vila do Bispo.
This campaign is providing equipment that will save the lives of adults and children by providing the Bombeiros' red ambulances with defibrillators - essential equipment that they have not previously had access to.
The Portable Defibrillator units supplied to the Algarve’s Bombeiros will enable its teams to give life-saving assistance to patients whose condition has deteriorated on the ambulance journey to hospital - the model chosen also is instantly adaptable for use on children.
Operation SHOCK already has received many very generous donations, large and small, since the campaign was launched at BLiP EXPO in October last year - with a final effort over the next four weeks, the campaign’s target can be fulfilled. Will you help?
If you are in Loulé, Monchique, Vila Real do Santo António or Vila do Bispo, one of the areas yet to receive a defibrillator, or know someone who is, please accept the challenge and contribute to saving a life by making a donation.
If you live outside these areas and still wish to make a donation, any amount will help.
Details can be obtained from the afpop website

or by e-mailing the afpop office on info@afpop.com
The intention is to raise funds to purchase those remaining units and present them to the Bombeiros within the four week deadline.
One of those lives saved – could be yours.
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