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New Bombeiros ambulances grounded as they are 'the wrong colour'

INEMWrongColourNew ambulances purchased for the nation’s Bombeiros firefighting teams have been grounded as they are 'the wrong colour.'
Part of the ambulances are painted red, so the Institute of Transport (IMT) has refused to issue an operational licence, without which the vehicles must remain parked.
Some 14 new ambulances are affected by a bureaucratic bungle that is preventing the vehicles being used for their intended purpose.
The National Medical Emergency Institute has alerted the Institute of Transport as to the "obvious public interest in these new ambulances entering service as soon as possible," adding that it doesn’t matter what an ambulance looks like as long as it can do the job.
Portugal’s Bombeiros League said the situation is tragic and irresponsible.
The colour the Institute of Transport pen-pushers are objecting to is the red section at the rear of each vehicle, painted to identify which Bombeiros station the vehicle is stationed at. 
Jaime Marta Soares, president of the Portuguese League of Bombeiros, said the IMT will be held responsible if a patient is left without help due to the ambulance’s colour.
The IMT argues that the situation "accords with current legislation" and says it is working with the INEM "to overcome these constraints."
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+2 #8 D. Bain. 2018-04-08 11:26
Typical civil servants, adept at making existing problems into bigger problems instead of using a little common sense and coming up with workable solutions.
As was mentioned in an earlier comment, useless jobsworths.
+4 #7 Barry Walsh 2018-04-08 09:40
Quoting Doug:
We all have rules, you all have rules, that you follow .... the question is rather "which numpty decided on differing the standard colour?
Those are the people in the wrong and the ones you should be cross with.

Definitely a failure somewhere in the use of an incorrect colour but to compound that error and risk lives when the problem does not compromise the safe operation or efficiency of the ambulance is bureaucratic lunacy, why not just make arrangements to have the offending colour changed when the vehicles are brought into the workshop for their first service.
+3 #6 Doug 2018-04-06 17:07
We all have rules, you all have rules, that you follow .... the question is rather "which numpty decided on differing the standard colour?
Those are the people in the wrong and the ones you should be cross with.
+3 #5 Alvin 2018-04-06 15:44
What's " JOBSWORTH" in Portuguese ? :-*
+4 #4 Sable Corrie 2018-04-06 13:29
Arrant nonsense on behalf of the "Government" department concerned. The purpose of the red area to denote the vehicles' point of origin seems utterly sensible. Genuine despair at current situation.
+7 #3 Jack Reacher 2018-04-06 12:26
One day Portugal will become a developed country. In the meantime everyone that lives there has to accept that this kind of bureaucratic nonsense is the norm.
+5 #2 Laurinda 2018-04-06 09:49
Did I read right? What a load of crock in part of IMT. What is important is that they be operational as soon as possible. Find it interesting that so many important things that will have a negative impact on people's lives just get's passed while on the other hand they play the "correctness" card ... Will never really understand Portuguese gov BS ...
+11 #1 Deborahbailey 2018-04-05 22:03
So frustrating the bureaucracy and lack of good sense.

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