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Taxpayers stump up €15 million on failed SIRESP comms system

FireOctMore money, over €15 million, is to be shelled out on the flawed SIRESP emergency communication system that failed, with fatal consequences, during last summer’s fires.
A resolution that amends the contract between the State and privately owned, SIRESP SA, ‘is being advanced,’ according to the Council of Ministers which has  authorised, “the expense inherent to the improvement of the SIRESP network."
The funding, that is coming from taxpayers rather than the company itself, "will reduce the risk of system failure and thus better ensure the safety of the population and property."
"The unprecedented size of the forest fires that devastated the country last year," as well as the "various gaps detected in SIRESP during the fight against them," makes it "imperative to modify and strengthen the current system with the implementation of a 451 satellite base stations, as well as the power supply, via generator, in case of failure."
The private company, SIRESP SA, is being rewarded for failure with €15.65 million of taxpayers’ money to improve its communications infrastructure, in addition to €40 million-a-year, payable under the current contract.
The various gaps in essential communications, which aggravated catastrophes such as the 2017 fires in Pedrogão Grande, seem to have persuaded the government to pay out yet more money to strengthen the current system, rather than seek alternatives that work under emergency conditions.
In February this year, the Minister of Internal Affairs announced a deadline for the placement of 300 satellite antennas in priority areas before May, 2018. Last October, an investment of €8 million was announced for the purchase of four SIRESP mobile stations. A satellite link also was negotiated to support the emergency communications system and the use of drones was suggested as a possible solution to SIRESP's failures.
In May 2015, a software programme called Traces was purchased by the Civil Protection Authority from Motorola (a SIRESP shareholder)  for €200,000. The software is designed to monitor the SIRESP network coverage in real time - it has never been used.
After the tragedy of Pedrógão Grande, the former president of the National Authority of Civil Protection, Joaquim Leitão, asked to have access to the Traces programme, but his request was refused by the António Costa government.
The software is essential in an emergency situation as it identifies any areas where communications are down.
This "would enable the commander of operations to have reliable information about the coverage of the SIRESP network and other conventional networks in the area," said Leitão, whose comments fell on deaf ears.
As for the government's support of SIRESP, it has become the norm in Portugal that taxpayers stump up funds for privately owned failures.
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+2 #2 liveaboard 2018-04-07 12:08
Existing commercially available satellite phones are available; yes, expensive, but that line has been crossed long ago.
There is another idea I read of long ago, and have heard little of since; 'adhoc' mobile phone connection. This is where instead of communicating through the mast as normal, mobiles connect directly. Calls can also be relayed along.
Today's phones are powerful and efficient; such a setup couldn't be relied on completely, but could be a backup when the masts or links are down.
The main stumbling block is that this use can't be billed. But it could possibly be enabled during emergency situations.

Of course neither of these idea would result in ten figure contracts for fat cat friends of government. So we know it will never happen.
+1 #1 Peter Booker 2018-04-06 08:23
Yes, Ed, this system failed. But I suspect that the government bought a cheaper alternative in the first place. One which relied on landlines and perhaps mobile phone masts, all of which are vulnerable to disaster on the ground.

Sr Costa has now realised that the only reliable method of communication in equivalent emergency is via a satellite system. It is probable that this type was available when they chose the faulty system, but more expensive.

The failure is also with government for not properly assessing the appropriate risks in a ground based system. This explanation explains the defence put up by the SIRESP operators.

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