Portugal's President collapses outside Church

PresidentFaintsPortugal’s President, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, had his security detail in full operational mode today when he collapsed after visiting the Sanctuary of Bom Jesus in Braga.

He fainted at 12:48 and swiftly was carried by his entourage to a nearby hotel and then taken by ambulance to Braga Hospital where he was assessed.

 A later statement from the President assured an adoring public that he had been suffering from food poisoning, had become dehydrated and simply had fainted.

"It was a food poisoning," wrote Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa on his opfficial website. He has cancelled further appointments this weekend.

“I felt like I was going to faint at any moment. I asked for water but it did not work," said the President, who was wearing a suit in the 37°C heat.

A source at the Hospital said Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa had suffered from gastroenteritis caused by something he ate when in Russia, or on the return journey, coupled with jet lag, fatigue from an overloaded agenda and the intense heat.