
PM claims Monchique fire is the "exception that confirms the success" of his national strategy

candlesPortugal's Prime Minister said today that the Monchique fire is the exception that confirms the success of the national firefighting operation.

António Costa, who this morning chaired a National Civil Protection Association meeting, explained the complexity of the Monchique fire’s six day run with a comment worthy of Eric Cantona,

"The candle of a birthday cake we can all blow out with one breath, but when the flame rises and the fire gains strength, there are not enough breaths or days of work" (to put it out).*

Costa warned that, "We still have several days ahead until the fire is extinguished."

António Costa - at last taking note of the five days of gruelling firefighting that has pushed Bombeiros to their physical limit - considered it a positive that "there is no human life to mourn, only a small number of wounded and the number of buildings affected remains uncertain.”

The PM is convinced that the government’s scrub clearance and fire prevention strategy has been worth it and that, "the data is very clear, the country's ability to predict risk situations has been demonstrated over the past few days. ... Of the more than 582 ignitions, we only had 16 fires, of which only one fire has attracted the attention of the media and the authorities. This demonstrates that the system has responded."

Costa also warned that in these situations, "there are two dangerous attitudes: first, an excess of optimism, which underplays the danger; second, alarmism which leads people to act in an inappropriate way."

Therefore, warns the head of Government, "We all have to be very careful in how the information is managed."

The prime minister also appealed to the public to follow the instructions issued by the authorities, in particular over evacuations where some homeowners have been led away in handcuffs as they refused to abandon their properties,

"I would like to stress to everyone, which is essential for the preservation of human life, to reduce the risk of personal accidents and follow the instructions of the authorities. When they call for evacuation, the authorities are not violating the Constitution or the law, they are ensuring the greatest most precious thing that exists, which is life."

The head of government also said he was aware that this fire was the first big test in a "summer that started late and brutally" and that no one knows when the fire will end.

On the Monchique fire that has now torn into rural areas of Silves, Costa said the fire remains active because it has "own characteristics that have to do with the terrain."

“We will not have the illusion that the fire will be erased in the next few hours. It will not be. The conditions will be adverse - whether it's temperature, wind, or humidity. "

The prime minister said the priority continues to be the preservation of human life and homes.

According to the European Forest Fire Information System, the flames have already consumed more than 21,300 hectares. In 2003, a large fire destroyed about 41,000 hectares in the Monchique, Portimão, Aljezur and Lagos council areas.


* What the PM actiuually said:  “A vela de um bolo de aniversário todos nós o apagamos com um sopro, mas quando a chama se alarga e os incêndios ganham uma escala com esta dimensão, não basta os sopros nem alguns dias de trabalho.” “Ainda temos vários dias pela frente até o incêndio ser extinto.”



Smoke blocks out the sun, looking west from Olhão - ©Milo Endres 2018


Safe Communities Portugal has the following official information for readers:

Monchique fire protection advice from the government:

and download this .pdf file 'Safe Village Safe People - Protecting yourself against rural fires'


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