Thursday morning Monchique fire update

CivilDefencelThe six day Monchique fire continues on two active fronts, one threatening houses near Fóia and Caldas de Monchique, the other in the Silves municipality.

The Mayor of Monchique, Rui André, said that the firefighters managed to calm the most critical areas.

At the end of Wednesday, flames threatened the perimeter of Silves, notably in the neighborhood of Enxerim where people were evacuated but later were allowed back home. Other evacuees spent the night at schools in Silves and in São Bartolomeu de Messines.

At dusk, things were calmer in the Silves area but mayor Rosa da Palma said that because of the wind, there are places that are still at risk and that 10,000 hectares already have been burned in her municipality.

A pall of smoke obscured the setting sun with images of the Monchique fire now broadcast across the world.

Machines worked overnight in both council areas to clear firebreaks before air support can recommence on Thursday morning.

The new leader of the effort to put out the Monchique fires, second-in-command at the National Civil Defence Asssociation, Patricia Gaspar, said the weather conditions were not very favorable for fighting the flames.

Traffic is banned on the EN266 between Portimão and Monchique and the EN267 is cut between Nave and Marmelete and also between Monchique and São Marcos da Serra . Transit is still prohibited on EN124, between Silves and São Bartolomeu de Messines.

According to the European Forest Fire Information System, the flames already have consumed more than 21,000 hectares in the Algarve.

According to the civil protection website, about 1,300 operational vehicles, supported by 390 land vehicles, are currently on the ground.

In a statement, the General Directorate of Health advised that children, chronic respiratory patients and the elderly are the most vulnerable groups when there is thick smoke in the air.

The DGS says that the inhalation of fumes or chemical substances can lead to manifestation of damage in the future that in the most serious cases can cause respiratory failure. In order to avoid the effects of smoking exposure, the DGS advises people to stay indoors.

Bombeiros stations are calling for donations, primarily of water and snacks. Check local media for collection points but Fire Stations should not refuse drop-offs:

Water (no more than 500 ml bottles)
Energy bars and drinks
Tetra packs of fruit juice
Tins of fruit (easily opened/ring pull ones)
Plastic cutlery
Paper plates
Biafine burn cream
Eye drops (ask at Pharmacia, to help sore eyes)
Medium/large sized plasters (Elastoplast's)
Old towels
Cotton socks (don't need to be new but clean would be appreciated)
Talcum powder
Toiletries for men and women
Sanitary towels
Wet wipes


Safe Communities Portugal has the following official information for readers:

Monchique fire protection advice from the government:

and download this .pdf file 'Safe Village Safe People - Protecting yourself against rural fires'