Lagos Council has set a budget of €58 million for 2019, a year in which the municipality wants to move ahead with projects that were put on hold due to the crisis.
The 2019 budget, which has been approved, includes fixing the Meia Praia road and the construction of the Escola da Luz, two projects that had been shelved.
"Not neglecting investment in education, culture, sports and social action and other areas of municipal activity, Lagos Council is making housing a major priority for 2019 and during subsequent years," reads the Council statement.
The renewal of infrastructure, particularly water pipes and tanks, which in many areas are over 40 years old, is on the ‘to do’ list.
A ‘search for solutions’ to increase the social housing supply, the renovation and expansion of the school, the continuity of the process to create a municipal Police force and the second phase of the bodged work at Ponta da Piedade are other actions planned for the new year.
Lagos Council also plans to fix up the Igreja de São Sebastião, the Casa do Guarda in the Barão de São João forest and create a rural museum, as well as complete the renovation and enlargement of the current municipal museum.
"In parallel, strategies will be adopted to promote environmentally responsible economic development, such as the provision of chargers for electric cars," adds the note.
Now that the budget has been approved by the Council, it has to be ratified by the full Municipal Assembly.