
Corbyn's Lisbon speech - May's Brexit proposal "will be rejected in Parliament"

brexitLenJeremy Corbyn has praised the Government of António Costa for breaking the ‘European austerity spell.’

The British Labour Party leader was in Portugal last Friday, clearly impressed with how Costa’s brand of socialism has turned the country around.

"It was here in Portugal that the austerity spell was broken, after years of telling us that there was no alternative but to cut public services and cut wages," said Corbyn in Lisbon at the Congress of the European Socialist Party.

Corby spoke for just over twenty minutes, criticising the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, over her latest Brexit proposal, insisting that it is a "bad agreement."

As for the work done since 2015 by Portugal’s government, he underlined that António Costa’s, "promise to turn the page of austerity" has been fulfilled.

"It was here in 2015 that a government was elected with the promise of turning the page of austerity, despite all the predictions of failure from several sectors.
“I pay a huge tribute to the Government of António Costa, who overcame all these expectations and showed that there was an alternative," said Corbyn.

In addition to praising the Socialists, Jeremy Corbyn mentioned the other parties that prop up the Socialist government.
"I also pay tribute to the Portuguese left. I pay tribute to the Socialist Party, but also to the parties that support the Government of António Costa," emphasised Corbyn, to rapturous applause.

"We are learning from the experience here in Portugal. It is up to us to know how to respond to this challenge. If we are not up to this task, power will pass into the hands of the populists," said the Labour Party leader.

António Costa met the Labour leader and discussed Brexit and its consequences for the stability of the European continent.

Jeremy Corbyn spoke of next week's 12 December vote on the decision to leave the United Kingdom, criticising the British prime minister for "project fear."

"If the current scenario is to continue, it is likely that the agreement will be rejected in Parliament and the House of Commons. So now, in the face of defeat, Theresa May is reduced to warning of economic chaos and leaving without any agreement as the best chance of survival. It is a kind of ‘project fear’ on the table," said the Labour leader.

Corbyn added that the idea of ​​a "non-agreement" is a "reckless and irresponsible strategy" on the part of the prime minister. Corbyn said the UK’s departure without any agreement, "will bring not only serious damage to the United Kingdom but also consequences for the whole European Union."

"We must avoid it at all costs, and for everyone, and we will ensure that this does not happen," said Corbyn, reassuring the audience that the UK Parliament will end up supporting an "alternative plan" for Brexit.

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