Coca-Cola takes on red Bull with energy drink made in Portugal

cocacolaCoca-Cola Energy is the first drink from Coca-Cola that will be sold in the energy drinks sector.

The new Portuguese-made product initially will be exported to Spain and Hungary as a test and, hopefully, dropped soon afterwards if consumers reject the new caffeine-fuelled concoction.

Coca-Cola Energy will be launched on April 1st (sic) and will be produced at the Coca-Cola European Partners factory in Azeitão.

The new drink, a combination of caffeine, guarana* extract and vitamin B, targets the 18-35 year old audience.

This new Coca-Cola product will directly compete with market leaders such as Red Bull and Lucozade, as well as Monster -  which Coca-Cola owns and is the company's largest shareholder.


* Guarana has among the highest concentrations of caffeine in any plant.  As a dietary supplement or herb, guarana seed is an effective stimulant: it contains about twice the concentration of caffeine found in coffee seeds (about 2 - 4.5% caffeine in guarana seeds, compared to 1 - 2% for coffee seeds). The additive has gained notoriety for being used in energy drinks.