Faro airport has 20 additional SEF inspectors

SEFMore SEF inspectors at Faro airport is part of allowing the service, "to strengthen the border entry points in line with the projected increase in the number of passengers this summer."

The Foreigners and Borders Service will increase numbers on April 1st until the end of September, at Lisbon, Porto, Faro, Funchal and Ponta Delgada airports.

According to SEF statement, there will be an increase of 22 inspectors at Lisbon airport; of 20 at Faro airport; of eight inspectors at Porto airport; of four inspectors in Ponta Delgada; and one more in Porto Santo.

In March this year, Portugal’s Borders Service accused the government of irresponsibility for not increasing the number of inspectors, arguing that the current cadre of 800 is insufficient for the Brexit contingency plan.

The government has announced that it will recruit 132 officials as part of the Brexit contingency plan as well as spending €4.25 million to buy new border control equipment and associated software.