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Vilamoura street robber arrested

gnrlogoGNR officers chased and arrested a man who had just robbed a woman in Vilamoura.

The robbery, on Sunday 31st of March, was carried out by a 21-year-old man with a criminal record for drug offences.

The GNR statement reads that, "during a patrol, the GNR witnessed the suspect carrying out a robbery, taking the wallet to a 68-year-old woman on Tivoli Avenue in Vilamoura."

Officers pursued the robber, eventually intercepting and arresting him and recovering the money and cards he had taken. In his possession he also had an illegal weapon, which also was seized.

The suspect was detained at the GNR station and will be presented in Loulé court.

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0 #2 Darcy 2019-04-03 09:14
There must be nil crime where Daphne comes from ....
-2 #1 Daphne 2019-04-02 08:01
Wouldn't it be great to get an ID photo and name of this robber published? He may have a long history and many victims. As it is in Portugal he will likely get done for one robbery so soon back out on the streets. If well connected just a suspended sentence. That said, any facial ID must be as near to the real thing as possible.
The 2007 Inspector Amaral wanted poster briefly on restricted circulation, as we now learn from Netflix, had nothing recognisable on it at all - being an egg with a whisp of hair on top. Totally identity and gender neutral. With the worlds press available to circulate it globally, Amaral held back. An opportunity missed to get all egg faced identity and gender neutral people worldwide pulled in and their movements checked. Were they in the Algarve at the time of the missing Madeleine McCann incident? Police forces around the world will now no doubt be studying this "faceless egg" wanted poster innovation from Portugal and asking themselves ....How did it help the search?

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