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Portugal - daily fruit consumption second highest in Europe

fruitPortugal is the second country of the European Union in which the population eats fruit daily.

The population ranks in fourth place in the daily consumption of vegetables, well above the EU average.

According to the 2017 data, only now released by Eurostat, 81% of the Portuguese population consumes fruit every day, only beaten by the healthy Italians where 85% eat fruit daily.

For vegetable consumption, Portugal ranks fourth with 78% of the population consuming a daily portion, behind Ireland (84%), Belgium (84%) and Italy (80%).

For the consumption of both, the EU average is a poor 64%.

The countries with the lowest fruit consumption were Latvia (35%), followed by Bulgaria and Lithuania, both at 37%.

Hungary (30%), Romania (41%) and Latvia (44%) were the countries where nationals were least likely to eat vegetables.

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+3 #3 Darcy 2019-04-03 09:07
Off topic as usual !!!!!
+2 #2 AL 2019-04-02 13:40
Quoting Maxwell:
Having the EU experience in front of us daily; it is always interesting to examine how the Portuguese culture warps itself round and distorts other aspects of life like business, religion and history. A good example in business is Portuguese banking's fusion of the principles of Arab (interest free if I like you) and Western (interest paid) money lending and in religion being the drive of the non-Portuguese vegetarian (many are vegan) Adventists to establish themselves in Portugal - but needing a meat eating 'opt out' for the locals. History gives us the schizoid manifestation of the Portuguese being allegedly keen European Unionists but in reality, having been invaded by us northerners before - delivering us the mantra "contra os europeus"!

Be careful not slip on a banana skin left by a Portuguese deliberately targeting a north European invader :D . Eat more fruit and veg it will make you feel better.
-7 #1 Maxwell 2019-04-02 08:17
Having the EU experience in front of us daily; it is always interesting to examine how the Portuguese culture warps itself round and distorts other aspects of life like business, religion and history. A good example in business is Portuguese banking's fusion of the principles of Arab (interest free if I like you) and Western (interest paid) money lending and in religion being the drive of the non-Portuguese vegetarian (many are vegan) Adventists to establish themselves in Portugal - but needing a meat eating 'opt out' for the locals. History gives us the schizoid manifestation of the Portuguese being allegedly keen European Unionists but in reality, having been invaded by us northerners before - delivering us the mantra "contra os europeus"!

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