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Post Office Bank tops list for customer complaints

ctt2The great white hope for the CTT Bank's directors has turned into something of an embarrassment as customers have been complaining in their droves.

The Post Office bank, headed by Luís Pereira Coutinho, again has topped the complaints list in Portugal, mainly due to problems with deposit accounts and mortgages whereas in 2017, the fledgling bank topped the complaints list for current accounts and consumer credit.

The figures were released on Wednesday in the Bank of Portugal's supervision report for 2018, a year in which the regulator received 15,244 complaints from bank customers, slightly below the 2017 number.

In this report, Banco CTT is the financial institution that has the largest number of complaints per thousand bank accounts and per thousand mortgages.

The runners up for deposit account problems were Deutsche Bank, Bankinter, BBVA, and Santander Totta.

Responding to the report, CTT Bank criticised the methodology used by the Bank of Portugal, particularly in the case of housing loans that "disadvantage new banks."

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+1 #5 Chez 2019-04-13 12:37
No doubt Sr. Coutinho and his fellow directors will still be collecting bonus's however dure things become at CTT :-*
0 #4 Chip 2019-04-11 19:34
More complaints than EDP? Surely not!
+5 #3 AL 2019-04-11 12:42
Dear Jefferson,
Your idea that making an official complaint about a product or service in Portugal triggers a defamation claim is ridiculous.
If you are still unclear on how to make a complaint about a product or a service in Portugal that is due to your lack of knowledge about the country you live in. Of course being able to try to understand and speak the language in the country were you reside helps.
As for statistics on the percentage of complaints being resolved and answered, you can use the following site https://portaldaqueixa.com/brands/banco-ctt/stats to see the percentage of how many complaints were answered by CTT bank and how many were resolved.
Although the portaldaqueixa.com is not the official complaints site, all complaints are in the public domain and companies that care about their image will reply to a complaint through this site. I have used it several times to complain about GLS, it was the only way I could get them to contact me.
0 #2 Jefferson 2019-04-11 07:07
Still unclear what is the procedure for complaining in Portugal about a product or service without triggering a Defamation? (In reality art.º 285º do CPP amongst others is about offending the Portuguese State; the offended person is legally 'obligated' by the Old pre-EU law to assist in the Portuguese State's defamation claim against the offender. It takes precedence over any EU Laws Portugal has agreed to implement!!!)
As described, this Bank of Portugal report seems very light weight - like the Plan to manage Corruption Risks found in all Portuguese Ministries and organs of state. Just a paper exercise to show Brussels that at least we Portuguese are now thinking about what you have been banging on about for decades. So had all these Bank of Portugal complaints already gone through their own bank's complaints procedure and got no resolution? Does complaining to the Bank of Portugal get results or just get logged for next year's reports? What was the result of complaining to the Bank of Portugal - as a % how many complainants are happy, how many sad, how many medium happy, how many still often sad but with occasional moments of happiness etc?
+6 #1 TT 2019-04-10 21:11
Is the Bank of Portugal's supervision report available for public viewing or is it shrouded in in-house secrecy? It (or something similar) would be useful to see when considering opening a bank account.

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